User Manual

Command Line Mode


Command-line mode can be useful for automating the processing of multiple files, such as preparing for printing, or publishing to the Internet.

To do this, the application includes the command-line utility stereo-conv.

In Windows, when installed, the path to the application folder is automatically added to the PATH variable. In order for these changes to take effect, you need to re-login.

Running with the –help option, or without options, displays usage help. Example:

$ stereo-conv --help

Usage: stereo-conv [options] input input2
Converter for stereoscopic photos and videos.                                                                                    
  -h, --help                 Displays this help.                                                                           
  -v, --version              Displays version information.                                                                 
  -o, --output <file>        Output file.                                                                                  
  --input-layout <layout>    Input stereo layout (see --layouts) - optinal.                                                
  --input-revert <1|0>       Right-eye view first in the input file - optional.                                            
  --output-layout <layout>   Output stereo layout (see --layouts). Default -                                               
  --output-revert <1|0>      Right-eye view first in the output file -                                                     
  --size <width*height>      Output image size.
  --jpeg-quality <0..100>    Jpeg quality.
  --crf <1..51>              Constant rate factor. Default - 23.
  --preset <preset>          Preset for H264 codec (see --presets). Default -
  --operations <operations>  List of operations separated by a semicolon (see
  -p, --progress             Display progress when saving video.
  -l, --layouts              Display a list of layouts.
  --video-formats            Display a list of video formats.
  --presets                  Display a list of presets.
  --help-operations          Display a list of operations.

  input                      Input file.
  input2                     Optional second input file to load a separate
                             stereo pair.


Extracting Left View From MPO File

Convert src.mpo to src-left.jpg.
Default output format for JPEG files is Mono.

stereo-conv -o src-left.jpg src.mpo

Extracting Right View From MPO File

Convert src.mpo to src-left.jpg.
Default output format for JPEG files is Mono.
Determine the reverse order of the angles to extract the right angle: --output-revert 1.

stereo-conv --output-revert 1 -o src-right.jpg src.mpo

Сonversion of Two Separate Images to Anaglyph

Convert src-left.jpg and src-right.jpg to the anaglyph.jpg.
Specify the output format AnaglyphRC.

stereo-conv --output-layout AnaglyphRC -o anaglyph.jpg src-left.jpg src-right.jpg

Convertion of Side-by-Side Stereo Pair to MPO File

Convert src.jps with side-by-side stereo pair to the result.mpo file.
Specify the input format Horizontal. The output format is determined by the file extension.

stereo-conv --input-layout Horizontal -o result.mpo src.jps

Сonversion of Two Separate Images to MPO File with Automatic Horizontal and Vertical Alignment, and Rotation

Convert src-left.jpg and src-right.jpg to result.mpo, perform operation auto-align:hvr.

stereo-conv --operations auto-align:hvr -o result.mpo src-left.jpg src-right.jpg

Convertion From MPO File to an Interlaced Stereo Pair With a Frame Fize of 1920x1080:

Convert src.mpo to interlaced.jpg, specify output format RowInterlaced and size --size 1920*1080.

stereo-conv --output-layout RowInterlaced -o interlaced.jpg --size 1920*1080 src.mpo

Conversion a File Containing Two Video Streams to Anamorphic Side-By-Side Format

Convert source.avi to result.mp4 specify AnamorphHorizontal output format.
The input format is determined automatically by the presence of two video streams.

stereo-conv --output-layout AnamorphHorizontal -p -o result.mp4 src.avi

Extracting Left Angle from Anamorphic Side-By-Side Video File

Extract video stream with left view from the src.mp4 to the src-left.mp4.
Specify input format AnamorphHorizontal and display of progress -p.

stereo-conv --input-layout AnamorphHorizontal -p -o src-left.mp4 src.mp4

Examples of Group Operations

Create MPO Files from All the Separate Images for the Left and Right Eyes


Images for the left eye are stored in files named *-left.jpg, images for the right eye – in files named -right.jpg.

  • stereo-conv is executed for each file *- left.jpg in loop for %f in (*-left.jpg).
  • First, save the file name in the variable F: set "F=%f".
  • For the first input file, use the value %F% without change.
  • For the second input file, replace the substring “-left” by “-right”: %F:-left=-right%.
  • For the output file, replace the substring “-left.jpg” by “.mpo”: %F:-left.jpg=.mpo%.
for %f in (*-left.jpg) do (set "F=%f" & stereo-conv -o "%F:-left.jpg=.mpo%" "%F%" "%F:-left=-right%")


for f in *-left.jpg; do stereo-conv -o ${f/-left.jpg/.mpo} $f ${f/-left/-right}; done

Extract Left Angles From the All MPO Files

Convert all files with the extension mpo into files with the same name, adding the ending -left.jpg, and save to the folder separate.
The input and output formats are determined automatically by extension.
You must first create the “separate” folder.


for %f in (*.mpo) do stereo-conv -o separate/%f-left.jpg %f


for f in *.mpo; do stereo-conv -o separate/${f/.mpo/-left.jpg} $f; done

Extract Right Angles from the All MPO Files

Convert all files with the extension mpo into files with the same name, adding the ending -right.jpg, and save to the folder separate.
The input and output formats are determined automatically by extension.
In order to extract the right angle, specify the reverse order of angles --output-revert 1.
You must first create the “separate” folder.


for %f in (*.mpo) do stereo-conv --output-revert 1 -o separate/%f-right.jpg %f


for f in *.mpo; do stereo-conv --output-revert 1 -o separate/${f/.mpo/-right.jpg} $f; done

Automatic Vertical Alignment of All MPO Files

Convert all files with the extension mpo into files with the same name in the folder result, and perform the operation auto-align:v.
You must first create the “result” folder.


for %f in (*.mpo) do stereo-conv --operations auto-align:v -o result/%f %f


for f in *.mpo; do stereo-conv --operations auto-align:v -o result/$f $f