Download stereophotoview-1.21.3-setup.exe - 64 bit
Download - 64 bit
Download stereophotoview-1.21.3.AppImage - x86_64
To run the application, simply download this file, make it executable, and run.
To integrate into your system you can use AppImageLauncher.
Additional downloads:
The latest stable version is available on Launchpad.
To install, run the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stereophotoview/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install stereophotoview
The latest stable version is available on AUR. (Instructions).
Packages for ROSA are provided by djam in his personal repository, where there are builds for i586 and x86_64 for ROSA Fresh R8.
Example of installing a package in a 64-bit version of ROSA Fresh R8:
urpmi.addmedia djam_personal
urpmi stereophotoview
See the repository page for a url to add media to your version of the system.
git clone